Abiding: What? It’s Not All About Me?
I’m delighted with our Navigator emphasis on abiding in Jesus. I can’t think of anything that I would rather see placed first in our personal and organizational priorities. The articles and videos in NavWeekly have been wonderfully helpful and uplifting. As we think of the tremendous privilege of living in Christ, I

Controlled Flexibility
I sat on our deck as a thunderstorm passed through Kansas City. The sky darkened, followed by a gentle rain, followed by gusting winds and heavier rain. As I observed the trees in our backyard that had only recently leafed out, I saw in nature what I see in our

Coronial Confessions
The coronavirus restrictions are changing me. Good things are resulting from staying at home. These are re-setting weeks. God’s Spirit is with me, making itself known in the quietness of these at-home days. When the pandemic has passed, I hope I don’t return to my former ways! Many of the

Creating a Birthday to Remember
Part of our ministry centers around our neighborhood. We have had the privilege of reaching out to many young couples. Recently I have loved using A Woman’s Journey of Discipleship Navigator studies with two young moms in our cul-de-sac. We praise God that one of them, “Mary,” accepted Christ as her Lord and

His Promises Still Stand
These are difficult times. And it is in difficult times that the promises of God are proven! I have been reading in Joshua recently. As he approached the end of his life, he made this amazing statement: And now I am about to go the way of all the earth,

We Still Need Older Women!
“Older women still need older women.” I don’t remember when I first wrote those words in my journal. As I’ve continued my journey and can now claim “older”status, I know for sure that God whispered an important truth to me that day, and it has resonated ever since. Discipleship—encouraging others in

Discipleship Is Like An Ocean Liner
Are you on a spiritual cruise ship or an ocean liner? The terms “cruise ship” and “ocean liner” are often used interchangeably. However, while both are types of passenger ships, there is a difference. An ocean liner is a ship designed to transport passengers from point A to point B. The classic example of

Urgency or Priority?
Most of us spend too much time on what is urgent and not enough time on what is important. The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.

The Challenge of Change
Marilyn Gnekow had learned a lot about adjusting to change in her four decades on Navigators staff. But this one was a doozy! She’d always longed to be married—to do life and ministry with a soulmate—and never sensed God tell her to let the dream die. But as she reached

16 Small Doses of Courage
We all need encouragement. As blogger Jared Olivetti says, “Regardless of what our hearts or Hollywood tell us, no one inherently has the strength needed to do what God calls us to do.” God knows our need and provides a remedy for it: encouragement from others. The word encouragement is built around the word courage. I