Lingering or Languishing?

Languishing or lingering? A similar phrase caught my eye recently as I thought about this past year and the effects of the pandemic. Am I languishing in my time with God, or am I lingering and enjoying His presence? I like to start each morning with sitting and staring, with quiet, listening, lingering. It readies me to read; it readies […]
Meddling and Me

Every January, I ask God to give me a word that describes the focus He has for me that year. This year my word—a phrase, actually—is pull back. I believe He wants me to pull back from things that are not in line with His purpose for me. God continues to clarify for me how He defines […]
What Every Navigator Should Know About Learning

Navigators make disciples. All we do revolves around making disciples—learners. I cannot help another to learn, though, what I have not learned myself. As I pass on what I have learned, life to life, I need to continue to learn as well. “Wise men and women are always learning, always listening for fresh insights” (Proverbs […]
The Beauty of Nothing

As we arrived at our cabin last summer, the weather report predicted several rainy days. That was good news for me. I just wanted to sit, to be, to do nothing! Nothing seemed good. The account of creation recorded in Genesis reports, In the beginning God created . . . .The earth was formless and empty . . . .And the Spirit of God was […]
Abiding: What? It’s Not All About Me?

I’m delighted with our Navigator emphasis on abiding in Jesus. I can’t think of anything that I would rather see placed first in our personal and organizational priorities. The articles and videos in NavWeekly have been wonderfully helpful and uplifting. As we think of the tremendous privilege of living in Christ, I want to suggest a parallel […]
Coronial Confessions

The coronavirus restrictions are changing me. Good things are resulting from staying at home. These are re-setting weeks. God’s Spirit is with me, making itself known in the quietness of these at-home days. When the pandemic has passed, I hope I don’t return to my former ways! Many of the “ahas” I’m observing rest in […]
We Still Need Older Women!

“Older women still need older women.” I don’t remember when I first wrote those words in my journal. As I’ve continued my journey and can now claim “older”status, I know for sure that God whispered an important truth to me that day, and it has resonated ever since. Discipleship—encouraging others in their walk with God—is not […]
The Challenge of Change

Marilyn Gnekow had learned a lot about adjusting to change in her four decades on Navigators staff. But this one was a doozy! She’d always longed to be married—to do life and ministry with a soulmate—and never sensed God tell her to let the dream die. But as she reached her 70s, she began to […]
What Does It Mean to Abide? A Video with Jean Fleming

In this beautiful six-minute video, beloved Navigator disciplemaker, speaker, and author Jean Fleming talks about her journey of abiding in Christ. Jean describes how abiding leads to fruitfulness as we nourish our connection to Jesus, the Vine. Click here to view it.
Five Lessons the Pediatric-ICU Taught Me

Editor’s Note: The following is from Sue Tell’s weekly blog at Two years ago this month, the text came. Ezra suffered a seizure and is in the ER. Twelve weeks in pediatric-ICU, five ambulance rides, and four hospitals later Ezra came home. Many of my blog readers continue to ask about our precious “grand.” Thank you so […]