SPOTLIGHT: A Perfect Match
A tennis ministry is not one of the first things that comes to mind when you think of Navigators Encore staff. Yet that is one of the delightful surprises God had in store for Helen Ebert after she relocated from Chicago to the Nashville area seven years ago. Helen moved to

SPOTLIGHT: The Delight of Discipling Younger Women
Barb VanZante is thrilled with the ministry God has given her: investing in the lives of young women. “It’s in my DNA,” she says. “I can’t think of anything else I’d rather do.” Barb meets with women who are being trained to do campus ministry at the University of Wisconsin,

Loving Like Jesus
Jesus said one mark of discipleship is loving others. He even called it a new commandment. “So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other” (John 13:34 NLT). What made this commandment new was not the substance

Rediscovering Wow
In “The Gift of Fear,” I pondered whether believers today are losing the fear of God. In this article, let’s see what it means to live with a healthy fear of God: approaching Him with respect, reverent wonder, and awe. When our souls encounter the majesty and glory of God, there can be

God’s Love Language
“Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, and strength,” was the answer Jesus gave to the question, what is the greatest commandment? But what does loving God look like? Is it simply having positive thoughts or feelings about God? Can we choose how to love God? Our

Receive Is a Christmas Word
“Oh, you shouldn’t have.” As I was growing up, I often heard those words when a gift was given. Receiving can be hard. But as Christmas is the season of giving, so Christmas must also be the season of receiving. And sometimes, receiving is transformational. As I think about receiving

A Disciplemaking Testimony
Jack Blanch gave this testimony at the Senior Staff Gathering in October, 2018, about his recent experiences with mentoring. After my wife, Joann, died last December, I was feeling very lost. Around that time Jay Pritchard sent me an email of condolence with the brief words of encouragement, “You still have

“We Do Life Together”
On social media, LOL means “laugh out loud.” But for Alice Byram, LOL is short for “life on life.” In a recent interview, Alice talked about how she enjoys “doing life” with Hispanic women in San Antonio. Alice served at Navigator headquarters in Colorado Springs for a dozen years and as

The Gift of Fear
The Oldsmobile was an American automobile icon. First built in 1897, it sold more than 35 million automobiles over its 107-year history. During the 1980s Olds tried to recapture its declining market by reinventing itself. In 1988 it came out with the slogan, “It’s not your father’s Oldsmobile.” The company tried

By Our Love
This article continues a series on what Jesus set as the hallmarks of discipleship. Servant love (John 13:34-35) is the one trait that gives evidence to the world that our apprenticeship is authentic. When Jesus met with His disciples for the Last Supper, He challenged them with a final measure of true