Take Aim
If you asked for a description of the sun and were told it is “a little round object in the sky,” that would be correct but not very precise. This description might be adequate for a child, but not for a student of astronomy. But consider this option from Wikipedia: The Sun is the

What Does It Mean to Abide? A Video with Jean Fleming
In this beautiful six-minute video, beloved Navigator disciplemaker, speaker, and author Jean Fleming talks about her journey of abiding in Christ. Jean describes how abiding leads to fruitfulness as we nourish our connection to Jesus, the Vine. Click here to view it.

SPOTLIGHT: Why Bob Lovvorn Went to Prison
Encore staff Bob Lovvorn never dreamed he would go to prison. Yet several years ago he did—willingly, eager to tell the men he met there about the life-changing power of knowing Jesus. Bob and his wife, Betty, moved to Canyon City, Colorado, in 2012 to be closer to family. The two

SPOTLIGHT: Living Beyond Limits
Most of us will experience seasons where our ability to serve God as we want to will be limited—by health, family needs, or other circumstances. In those times, Encore staff Donna Puleo has learned not to dwell on the limitations, but to ask, “How do I use what I do have?” Due

Boundaries, Limits, and Self-Control
We live in a culture that’s constantly pushing its boundaries. More and more it seems as if there are “no limits.” Yet is this true for Jesus’ followers today? It’s not just present-day culture. Throughout history mankind has tended to push the known limits. Discoveries in medicine, space, oceans, and

Five Lessons the Pediatric-ICU Taught Me
Editor’s Note: The following is from Sue Tell’s weekly blog at Two years ago this month, the text came. Ezra suffered a seizure and is in the ER. Twelve weeks in pediatric-ICU, five ambulance rides, and four hospitals later Ezra came home. Many of my blog readers continue to ask about our

Counter-Cultural Living
“I’m not asking You to take them out of the world, but to keep them safe from the evil one” (John 17:15, NLT). “Therefore, COME OUT FROM THEIR MIDST AND BE SEPARATE,” says the Lord. “AND DO NOT TOUCH WHAT IS UNCLEAN” (2 Corinthians 6:17, NASB). How does a disciple of Christ

In the Valley of Shadow
The small “stroke” in Bill’s optic nerve came suddenly and unannounced. When he woke up that Tuesday morning in March 2018, his left eye saw large, dark shapes moving around. Our ophthalmologist quickly made room in his schedule to see Bill and discovered a swollen optic nerve. He ordered a series

SPOTLIGHT: Free to Be Flexible
For Gene and Marilyn Smith, Navigators Encore is now the ideal place to pursue their callings from God. The Smiths loved their 43 years serving with the Military Mission, serving in Colorado Springs, the Philippines, Guam, and their longtime present home in San Diego. Yet they also sensed God tug at their hearts to

Through Seasons of Suffering—Video From David Brown
Suffering and loss are part of life. How can we live in these painful seasons with our faith intact, in a way that honors God? David Brown addressed these issues at the Senior Staff Luncheon, held in Colorado Springs in February. He offered a biblical response to suffering and loss