The Challenge of Change

Marilyn Gnekow had learned a lot about adjusting to change in her four decades on Navigators staff. But this one was a doozy! She’d always longed to be married—to do life and ministry with a soulmate—and never sensed God tell her to let the dream die. But as she reached her 70s, she began to […]
SPOTLIGHT: Why Bob Lovvorn Went to Prison

Encore staff Bob Lovvorn never dreamed he would go to prison. Yet several years ago he did—willingly, eager to tell the men he met there about the life-changing power of knowing Jesus. Bob and his wife, Betty, moved to Canyon City, Colorado, in 2012 to be closer to family. The two looked for an opportunity to […]
SPOTLIGHT: Living Beyond Limits

Most of us will experience seasons where our ability to serve God as we want to will be limited—by health, family needs, or other circumstances. In those times, Encore staff Donna Puleo has learned not to dwell on the limitations, but to ask, “How do I use what I do have?” Due to her husband’s progressive illness, […]
SPOTLIGHT: Free to Be Flexible

For Gene and Marilyn Smith, Navigators Encore is now the ideal place to pursue their callings from God. The Smiths loved their 43 years serving with the Military Mission, serving in Colorado Springs, the Philippines, Guam, and their longtime present home in San Diego. Yet they also sensed God tug at their hearts to have a broader ministry and more freedom […]
SPOTLIGHT: A Perfect Match

A tennis ministry is not one of the first things that comes to mind when you think of Navigators Encore staff. Yet that is one of the delightful surprises God had in store for Helen Ebert after she relocated from Chicago to the Nashville area seven years ago. Helen moved to Franklin, Tennessee, to be near […]
SPOTLIGHT: The Delight of Discipling Younger Women

Barb VanZante is thrilled with the ministry God has given her: investing in the lives of young women. “It’s in my DNA,” she says. “I can’t think of anything else I’d rather do.” Barb meets with women who are being trained to do campus ministry at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. They study the Bible, […]
“We Do Life Together”

On social media, LOL means “laugh out loud.” But for Alice Byram, LOL is short for “life on life.” In a recent interview, Alice talked about how she enjoys “doing life” with Hispanic women in San Antonio. Alice served at Navigator headquarters in Colorado Springs for a dozen years and as director of women’s ministries in […]