Finding North

Since the 12th century, the compass has been an essential tool to help travelers find and keep their bearing. Because of the Earth’s magnetic field, the compass points to north no matter where you are on the Earth’s surface. When Jesus called the first disciples, He gave them a compass: “And he said to them, ‘Follow […]
Capture the Wind!

Until the 1800s, sailing ships were the primary mode of intercontinental transport. No matter what the design, they were entirely dependent on the invisible yet powerful force of the wind. But this free, renewable source of power was productive only if the mast and sails were in good operational condition. The captain’s priority, therefore, was […]
Trusting God for Rest

I was weary . . . weariness stemming from the busyness of a fall that had been physically and emotionally taxing. Yet this gave me more opportunity than ever to apply what I’ve been learning about rest and resiliency in the past year. Living out these lessons felt like diving into deep, refreshing water. I […]
Choosing Well

At the end of every year, I ask God for a key word to be my focus for the year ahead. My key word for 2017 was rest. In December I asked God what He would select for my 2018 word. The answer came before I said “amen.” After pondering it for a few weeks (Did I […]
What’s on Your T-shirt?

As I left the library, a man I had never met stopped me to offer several thoughts about Michigan State University. Not noticing that I was a bit startled, he rattled on, asking how I felt about a man on the MSU Board of Trustees. I did have a few thoughts, so we had a […]
Come and Worship

“Oh come, let us worship and bow down;let us kneel before the LORD, our maker!”—Psalm 95:6 I’ve been pondering worship for a long time—years really. Is it merely a synonym for what I do on Sunday morning? Is it only the part of the Sunday morning service that involves singing? My answer is no. Worship is so […]
A Fruitful Life

I was alone, sitting on the bed in the hotel room. With my Bible open to Philippians and my journal nearby, I sat conversing with God. Suddenly I recalled that six months earlier I had been reading Philippians and was struck by this verse: “If I am to live in the flesh, that means fruitful […]
A Teachable Spirit

“To learn, you must want to be taught.” I love this rendition of Proverbs 12:1 in The Living Bible. It prompts a question in me: To what extent do I have a teachable spirit? As I’m maturing—that is, as I’m growing older—I have to admit it gets easier and easier to resist change. I tend toward getting comfortable and […]
Time for Me?

As a new member of Nav Encore, I am making the transition from full-time ministry to fewer scheduled hours. But to do that transition well, I find that I need to think about what I value at this season of my life and what restores me to feel energized and be effective in ministry. Recently, I […]
A Cactus Helped Me Find My Way

Years ago, I was given a large terra-cotta bowl of eight to ten different types, shapes, and colors of cacti. I was thrilled. I told myself, “My ignorance about gardening will not be a liability for these plants, they are indestructible.” I put them in the bright summer sun and forgot about them. Eventually, they […]