What’s on Your T-shirt?

As I left the library, a man I had never met stopped me to offer several thoughts about Michigan State University. Not noticing that I was a bit startled, he rattled on, asking how I felt about a man on the MSU Board of Trustees. I did have a few thoughts, so we had a brief exchange. Then he went on his way, and I continued to my car.
What a strange conversation! I thought to myself. Why was he talking to me about that stuff? Then I remembered: I was wearing my Michigan State golf shirt. Maybe I looked like I might know something about MSU! And me, a Purdue grad no less!
The more I thought about it, the more I wondered why people don’t stop and ask me about something else they should notice about my life—my relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ! Do they see Him and His character in me? Or do they see negative and selfish qualities? Does my life accurately reflect Jesus? Or am I like the man whose wife was asked, “Do you wake up grumpy in the morning?” And she responded, “No, I just let him sleep!”
This passage of Scripture often challenges me: “But sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence” (1 Peter 3:15).
I normally don’t wear T-shirts that feature Jesus’ name. Yet being a follower of Christ, my life should reflect His love and grace on a regular basis. How I treat people matters. And my life and words should display the hope that Jesus can give to a lost world. I want my life to be a positive influence for Christ and bring Him glory.
How about you? What’s the message you’re portraying—not so much with your T-shirt, but by the life you live?
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