Our Hope, Our Joy
Do you have children, grandchildren, or just know a child? If so, you’ll be challenged and inspired by Too Small to Ignore by Wess Stafford, former president and CEO of Compassion International. In this book, Stafford shows how to bring value to children and see them respond. Here’s one inspiring example from the book. Stafford tells about […]
Reducing Tension in Discipleship
There are aspects of the Christian life that are paradoxical, causing tension when we can’t resolve them. As a rule we tend to polarize what we cannot harmonize, emphasizing one over the other or promoting one and minimizing the other. Whole denominations have been built around this type of tension. Although some tension is unavoidable, […]
Generous Friendship
“Why did you come to Siberia?” asked a scientist named Andre, not long after we first met. Deb and I were “non-resident” missionaries to Siberia at the time—during the mid-90s. We traveled in and out and helped launch an outreach and discipling ministry among former communist atheists. We made multiple trips to the city of […]
Building a Legacy
Many choose to step back from senior leadership or veteran positions, but still want to offer insight, mentoring, and valuable coaching to those coming up behind them. That’s where the Nav Encore Mission comes in. Our Nav Encore Leadership Team recently had a lengthy discussion about Numbers 8:23-26, a passage that talks about “retirement” as it […]
Leaving Footprints
“Some people come into our lives and quietly go. Others stay awhile, and leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never the same.” I was impressed by this quote, which surfaced in Dave Kraft’s book Leaders Who Last. I thought, How true! Pondering the quote naturally led me to think of Charlie Greene, one of these people […]
Blessed to Be a Blessing
While browsing at a local bookstore recently, I found a book that captured my attention. It’s a leadership gem by the late Dr. Myles Munroe titled Passing It On with the subtitle, “Growing Your Future Leaders.” Dr. Munroe founded and chaired the International Third World Leaders Association, an organization devoted to training and developing leaders in more […]