About Pace

Last week I had a small epiphany. For a couple years I have been grumbling about my work schedule and workload. Surely I am working harder than my peers. I have no proof of this, but it gives me an excuse to whine. I will be 70 this year. How did that happen!? Was I not banging […]
Flourishing at Any Age

Once when family gathered, I asked, “What do you think of when I say, ‘Old Woman’?” My son-in-law said, “White hair. Black coat.” I had to laugh. I fit that concise description. But the critical question is, what comes to my mind when I say, “Old Woman”? Is Old Woman a stage of life I can step […]
How to Avoid the Age Cage

With the passing years, I find myself using a banker’s vocabulary. I speak of my life in terms of losses and gains. My friends do the same. Unfortunately, it’s easy to focus on the debit side. We talk about losing our keys, losing our memory, and losing our physical strength. This isn’t how God sees […]
Aging Gracefully

I used to think aging was a series of losses, but that is changing. I am discovering that getting older is about grace, not loss—specifically, giving grace. If I age gracefully, people will enjoy being around me whatever my age. We all need grace!Aging is rich with opportunities to build deeper relationships and to model […]
To Retire . . . Or Not to Retire?

The subject of retirement naturally breeds confusion. In working with Nav Encore staff, the question of retirement comes up often—or it should come up. Retirement offers obvious benefits, but there are potential pitfalls as well. Retirement is a fairly recent phenomenon. Until the last century, either (a) you didn’t live long enough to worry about it or […]