

Aging Faithfully: The Holy Invitation of Growing Older

Alice Fryling, spiritual director and author of a number of books including: Disciplemaker’s Handbook, Seeking God Together: An Introduction to Group Spiritual Direction, and Aging Faithfully: The Holy Invitation of Growing Older 

In this workshop we will look at what happens on our spiritual journey as we age. We will consider how our relationships with others, with ourselves, and with God change in our senior years. The workshop will be interactive and reflective as we consider how to navigate the losses of growing older and respond to God’s invitations to grow in our capacity to love and to move more deeply into God’s grace.


Effective Ministry for Seniors

Joe Bernardy, Navigators Encore Director, moderator
Joe will facilitate a panel of ministry practitioners, representing a variety of ministry types, as they share practical ideas for continuing to minister as we grow older. There will be plenty of time for Q&A as well as for workshop participants to share their experiences.


Getting Your Financial House in Order: Organizing your estate to care for your family and be generous in giving

Kevin DiFelice and Brian Kinney from The Navigators Gift Planning Team

In his book Splitting Heirs, Ron Blue reminds us that at the end of life your “stuff” will go in one of three directions: your heirs, charities, or the government. Together we will discuss the foundational principles in crafting an estate plan that cares for your family and heirs, ensures generosity, and minimizes taxes. You will leave with practical next steps to completing or refreshing your estate plan. Come with all your questions!


Leave Nothing Unsaid: A step-by-step guide to writing words that matter forever

Jody Noland, speaker, CEO (Chief Encouragement Officer), and author of Leave Nothing Unsaid 

Jody Noland will join us live. Her workshop will equip us with new and creative ways to encourage and:

  • Inform us to embrace the life-changing impact of affirmation
  • Impart to us the keys to writing a meaningful letter, and complete a first draft

This workshop will be practical and life-changing for all who attend. We will make available a copy of Jody’s book for each family.


Maintaining Health As We Age

June Ewell, RN, Navigators Encore Associate, Spiritual Director

Healthy our whole lives, we found out our warranties ran out at age 70! We will explore how we can keep ourselves physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually healthy as we age.


What’s Going on with My Navigator Account?!

Paul Galliart, The Navigators, Vice President of Finance and Accounting and

Bob Ewell, The Navigators, Encore Staff 

Paul and Bob communicate frequently about The Navigators gift processing in general and Bob’s account in particular. Get the inside scoop on how things work and what to do when they don’t! Most of us don’t need MPDX (or its predecessor, TntConnect) anymore, especially because we can get all the information we need from the Staff Financial Center (SFC) web site. We’ll show you how the SFC serves you. This workshop will be non-technical, practical, and actionable, with plenty of time for Q&A.