Right Where You Are

Recently, a close Christian friend of ours was taking a walk in the neighborhood she and her husband have lived in these past 15 plus years. This couple has a lifestyle of trusting God to use them to advance the Gospel of Jesus and His Kingdom among those without Christ. Both she and her husband have […]
Work Out What God Has Worked In

Editor’s note: The following is from Sue Tell’s weekly blog at suetell.com. The beautiful fall weather in Estes Park, Colorado, provided the perfect setting for a retreat with Dr. Bryan Chapell, former president of Covenant Theological Seminary and now a senior pastor in Illinois. For two days I had the privilege of joining 23 of our […]
Wiggle Room

Editor’s Note: The following is from Sue Tell’s weekly blog at suetell.com. Rachel celebrated her 30th milestone last July. She connected with several of us (older, ah-hem) friends asking for a gift—our gift of words written on a card and delivered by snail mail. How old-fashion. I loved it. Rachel is a wise woman. She hunts wisdom and […]
Built for Battle

A few years ago, Deb and I took a tour of the battleship USS Alabama, retired from service in 1962 and now docked in Mobile Bay near Mobile, Alabama. It was quite interesting since both of our fathers served with the United States Navy during WWII. In its active time, the USS Alabama was a temporary home to […]
Overcoming Feedback Fears

“Successful people only have two problems with negative feedback. However, they are big problems: (a) they don’t want to hear it from us and (b) we don’t want to give it to them” writes author and feedback coach Marshall Goldsmith. From personal observation and experience, I know this to be true. Take marriage, for example. […]
Praise God

I recently read “Tattoos on the Heart: The Power of Boundless Compassion” by Greg “Father G” Boyle. Father Greg is the founder of Homeboy Industries, an independent nonprofit that provides employment for the gang-involved youth of Los Angeles. Because of his work with at-risk youth and former gang members, “Father G” was often invited to […]
Words Matter

Our daughter Sarah recently shared the following conversation she had with her son, Drew, when they were out and saw a woman walking her dog: Drew: What kind of dog is that? Sarah: That’s an English Sheepdog. Drew: What does that mean? Sarah: It means the dog is originally from England, like Uncle Ben. Drew: […]
Everyday Wisdom

Aging is often associated with what we lose, but why not associate it with what we gain? The Bible associates wisdom with aging. Job asked the question, “Is not wisdom found among the aged? Does not long life bring understanding?” (Job 12:12, NIV). But is that wisdom automatic or is there something more we must do? […]
Word Power

When our son David was three years old, he memorized Psalm 119:97, which reads, “O how I love Thy law O Lord. It is my meditation all the day.” However, he couldn’t say his L’s very well at the time, so the verse came out, “O how I yove Thy yaw O Yord. It is […]
The Gift of a Wooden Chain

A number of years ago, my father gave me a special gift that I still prize to this day. “Son, I want you to have this unique wooden chain,” he said. “It was hand carved out of a single piece of pine by my uncle, Chester Roth.” Upon taking a closer look, one notices the intricacies […]