As Seen on TV

God is using Hal and Karen Jensen, a veteran staff couple who serve on Nav Encore staff in Honolulu, to make a real difference for Christ through their many spheres of influence.
Don’t just take my word for it. Click here to see an inspirational video of this special couple, who were recently interviewed on a local TV program, the Jessica Lani Rich Show.
After 54 years of ministry, Hal and Karen have made themselves available to serve pastors and leaders where they serve in Hawaii. They are senior staff and discipleship mentors who have served in several Nav Missions including Collegiate, Navs Military, Church Discipleship Ministry (now Navigator Church Ministries), and Ethnic Ministries.
In fact, Hal and Karen pioneered ministries to Native Americans in the Navajo Nation and White Mountain Apache Reservations.
The Jensens are committed to lifelong laboring and finishing strong. Again, I hope you are as inspired as I was to watch their TV interview.
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