By Don Graybill
From a Dad … To Those Who Follow is my attempt to pass the baton on to our kids and grandkids … and their kids. It is written primarily to and for them, though my editor challenged me to make it more widely available to others. Hence it’s on Amazon. The book is written around a dozen “Defining Moments” that God has used in my life to grow me into who I am today. The little guy on the cover is now an engineering student at Penn State.
Steve and Sally Breedlove and Ralph and Jennifer Ennis
The Shame Exchange, by Steve and Sally Breedlove and Ralph and Jennifer Ennis, addresses a crucial issue in our culture – the pervasive issue of shame. And the Gospel of Jesus addresses this issue in ways that bring mercy and freedom.
Ron Bennett
What should discipleship look like today? Is there common ground between those first New Testament disciples and disciples in the 21stCentury? How did the gospel change the face of discipleship? These are some of the questions we need to consider if we are serious about the Great Commission: to be disciples and make disciples. Since discipleship is Christ’s idea, every generation needs to understand and embrace what he meant when he used this term. Rethinking Discipleship: The Quest offers 31 reflections that will inform and challenge your discipleship perspective and journey. Each reflection will help you discover what discipleship looks like today with Christ as the risen, ascended Savior who is now King of his kingdom.
Bob Ewell
Join the Adventure! A Call to Christian Discipleship and Mission Suitable for Everyone is a short, readable book designed to get you started in mission and spiritual growth. The book uses the metaphor of the 1/4-inch domino, which, when tipped over can result in a significant chain reaction, describing simple, doable ways to answer Jesus’ call to meet needs and grow spiritually yourself.
Bob Ewell
Live the Adventure! Disciple-making for Ordinary People is the next book in the Adventure series. Join the Adventure! gets you started. Live the Adventure! tells how ordinary people, following the example of Jesus, Paul, and Barnabas, can make disciples with GRIT: Generationally, Relationally, Intentionally, with Transformation. It is NOT necessary to read Join the Adventure! before reading Live the Adventure.
Bob Ewell
The Disciple’s Work captures the importance of work—ordinary, everyday work—the kind that makes life possible. Whether you’re a doctor, teacher, programmer, house builder or a delivery truck driver—maybe the most important job on the list (see page 27)—your work matters! You serve by your work, you serve at your work, and, if you’re a believer, you have an opportunity to advance the Kingdom from your work, provided you’ve done #1 and #2 well.
Bob Ewell
Everyone on the Wall uses lessons from Nehemiah’s successful wall-building project to solve the problem Jesus articulated: “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.” The solution is full participation: everyone on the wall, everyone in the Word, everyone bearing fruit, and everyone making disciples. The book is filled with simple, “doable,” “start small” processes, accessible to any Jesus follower. Bob writes, “I’m serious about the everyone, and I promise you that everything in this book is accessible to ordinary people like you and me.”
Nabeel Jabbour
The Crescent Through the Eyes of the Cross, unpacks and addresses the issues that describe the worldview of Muslims. What would it be like to stand in their shoes and to try to see the world through their eyes! The book was reprinted by Navpress eight times. Now it is available to download for free at this link. The Crescent — Nabeel T. Jabbour ( The Navpress man who edited the book wrote this endorsement. “This is a very powerful message, and I can’t stop talking to my friends about it. I’m very excited about this project, and feel it is the most important book I’ve worked on in a long time.”
Nabeel Jabbour
Unshackled and Growing: Muslims and Christians on the Journey to Freedom. The first half of the book is about grace and freedom from legalism, and the second half is discipling in an atmosphere of grace. This book is now available to download for free at this link. Unshackled and Growing — Nabeel T. Jabbour ( Jim Petersen’s endorsement of the book. “Are you curious to know the truth about Jesus’ life and message? Then read this book. There is no other like it. Nabeel Jabbour has written this book to people who admire Jesus’ life and wonder if he was more than a prophet. He writes with the historical and biblical accuracy of a scholar, and with the gentleness of a true follower of Jesus.”
Nabeel Jabbour
. A friend who was reading the revised edition of this book wrote: “
This book has two endorsements, one by a charismatic leader and the other by a Presbyterian pastor. It is available to download for free at this link.
Nabeel Jabbour
The Rumbling Volcano: Islamic Fundamentalism in Egypt. One of those who endorsed the book wrote: “I have read Dr. Jabbour’s book with great interest and enthusiasm. This is one of the very few books written by someone who is as close to being ‘an insider’ as is possible without actually being a Muslim. What is even more amazing is that this is the first text I have ever read where Islamic Fundamentalism is objectively and compassionately examined (and not attacked) with ‘disciplined wonder’ described by Dr. Jabbour himself.” The Rumbling Volcano — Nabeel T. Jabbour (
Joyce Sackett
In God’s Garden, a devotional for gardeners, was published by Tyndale House Publishers in 1998 and is now out of print, but good copies often show up on Amazon. It is comprised of thirty short inspirational readings followed by “digging deeper” questions. Each reading also has a page of gardening tips.
Joyce Sackett
Goodbye, Jeanine, a mother’s faith journey after her daughter’s suicide, was published by NavPress in 2005. Goodbye Jeanine is a faith journey from the despair of a family member’s suicide back to hope and joy. It is also out of print now, but I have copies to sell.
Joyce Sackett
Keeping Blessing Hill, the story of a couple who converted a barn, created a garden and celebrated home, was published by Morgan James Publishers in 2018. Through stories from ordinary days lived among roses and vegetables, and starring bees, chickens, and other residents and visitors to Blessing Hill, Keeping Blessing Hill provides a fresh look at God, nature, and relationships with attentiveness and perspective….providing a peek into a long, stable, and often jolly marriage between two very flawed people committed to honoring Christ in all aspects of their lives. It is available through any bookstore or online at Amazon, and I have copies also available. I am attaching a recent photo of me and also of the three books. Thanks for doing this!
Jack E. Bell and Maxine Omdahl
The Next Steps is a follow-up tool for new believers and disciple makers. Developed by Navigator Church Ministries, (via Jack Bell and Maxine Omdahl a commissioning of Grace Chruch Racine, WI) this ten-part guide provides a framework to take the conversation deeper. The Next Steps was designed to be used in small groups, triad cohorts, and one-on-one mentoring relationships. Participants spend time in God’s Word, work through hands-on activities, and share their stories with one another. They gain invaluable insights into living out the will of God in their lives.
Diana Mood
Tighten your seat belts for constant drama. Relive her roller coaster ride through life rescuing the rejected, broken, and hopeless. Identify with familiar knock-down drag-out calamities as Diana repeatedly slams into helplessness, unable to save anyone, even herself. Through it all, Jesus, her Savior and Lord, unconditionally loves, intimately knows, and satisfies her deepest longings.
Dean Ridings
Mighty Men of Valor have three distinct characteristics; strength, courage, and passion. In this Bible study we unpack passion.
Men need passion to live in light of the fact that the God of the universe chose us to be His children, called us to be kingdom men, and enables us to passionately live like Jesus and advance His Gospel where we live, work, and play through the generations!
Dean Ridings
Mighty Men of Valor have three distinct characteristics; strength, courage, and passion. In this Bible study we unpack the second characteristic, what it means to have courage in Christ.
Men need courage to take a stand for God’s Word and ways in increasingly challenging times, and as someone has said, “All it takes for evil to flourish is good men to stand by and do nothing”!
Dean Ridings
Mighty Men of Valor have three distinct characteristics; strength, courage, and passion. In this Bible study we unpack the first characteristic, strength.
Men need strength that comes from God alone, the kind of strength He gave men like Gideon (who lived at a time when everyone did what was right in their own eyes), David and his band of mighty men, and Jesus’ early church followers.
Dean Ridings
Do you desire a walking-and-talking relationship with God? How soul-satisfying would it be to have a 24/7 prayer life? Our Father in heaven longs for an abiding relationship with each of his children. That’s what the Bible is all about—from cover to cover. That’s what this biblically rich book is all about as well.Here you will find practical help to deepen your walk with God through prayer. You’ll also be inspired to intercede for “everyone in your world” through a simple way to pray every day. You will also be motivated to remove any barriers to prayer in your life.
Dean Ridings
“And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.” —Jesus (Matthew 24:14)
“If we have a limited time with someone, we would want him or her to fully grasp the gospel of the Kingdom and its implications.” That’s what each of us working on this project said from the outset. We would want him or her to take what we call the Kingdom Life journey, passing the following signposts along the way: “Seeing the Kingdom Vision,” “Relating to the King,” “Representing the King,” and “Living with Kingdom-Minded Purpose.”
Dean Ridings
This prayer-focused journal includes Scripture, a daily Bible reading plan, space to record the names of those you want to pray for, and monthly sections to record insights. With 12 Scripture-based prayer guides, 48 devotional readings, and 12 prayers for your spiritual growth, The Pray! Prayer Journal is a unique way to grow your communication with God.